Title: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Author: Avi
Publisher: Orchard Books
Year of Publication: 2003
Reader's Rating: 3.5
In a Nutshell: A thirteen year old girl is caught between a tyrannical sea captain and his mutinous crew as she travels from England to America. Set in 1832, the ship is sailing from England to America and Charlotte is the only passenger. Told in first person, Charlotte describes her experiences and thoughts as she struggles to know what to do. Eventually, she joins the crew and then becomes the captain when the original captain is killed. When the ship lands in America, she goes back to her family, but she does not fit in anymore. She runs away and goes back to the ship to be a sailor.
The Fantastical Stuff: It was an exciting adventure reading this book. I literally barely could put it down. The story was simply too enthralling not to love. Avi was very talented at pulling his readers into this story.
The Not-so-fantastical Stuff: Where should I start? Nobody trusted anyone on this boat. The captain was a sly and disgusting snake full of lies. He treated his crew like dogs.There were so many people dying, I was very surprised. The captain was brutal towards his men and it was painful to read such things. The parents at the end were very cold towards Charlotte as well. Don't get me wrong! The book was very well written and I enjoyed it but it was so well written that Avi had you in tears at some points.
Wrap Up: I truly enjoyed this book. It was masterfully written. The story crafted as a city girl turns into a sailor who has matured early from the things she's seen. This novel brings you into a whole new world that makes you understand the horrors Charlotte went through. It is a tale worth reading for you voyagers. This sea of pages contains depth beyond you wildest imaginations.